快来看(新闻 闻什么意思)新闻 1+1,双语新闻播报(January 17)

作者: 147小编 分类: 娱乐 发布时间: 2023-04-18 11:02


> China established first national breakdancing team首支霹雳舞国家队正式成立目标:2024巴黎奥运会!


Chinas first national breakdancing team was officially revealed after the end of the second qualification trials held at the Lishui Extreme Sports Hall in Nanjing, East Chinas Jiangsu province. Eight breakdancers (four men and four women) stood out during the trials.日前,中国国家霹雳舞队第二轮资格选拔赛在国家极限运动溧水训练基地结束,8名选手(4男4女)在比赛中脱颖而出,组成首支正式的霹雳舞中国国家队。

The first qualification trials were held in Shanghai in late December 2022.首场选拔赛已于2022年12月下旬在上海举行。

According to the competition system, the top eight mens and womens groups would move on to the second round and get corresponding points through a round-robin competition within the group.根据赛制,男子组与女子组的前8名选手参加第二场选拔赛,通过组内大循环赛获得相应积分。

Finally, the top four mens and womens groups (three B-dancers and one substitute) formally established the Chinese National Breakdancing Team.最终,男、女组前4名(正编3人,替补1人)正式组成中国国家霹雳舞队。

The team will face several important competitions in 2023, including the World Championship of the World Dance Sport Federation (WDSF) in Belgium and the Hangzhou Asian Games in East Chinas Zhejiang province in September.对这支新成立的国家队来说,今年将面临几项重要的比赛,包括在比利时举行的世锦赛以及9月举行的杭州亚运会。

The champions of these two events will directly qualify for the Paris Olympic Games in 2024.据悉,这两场赛事的冠军将直接获得巴黎奥运会参赛资格。

At the Paris 2024 Games, the breaking competition will be comprised of two events one for men and one for women where 16 B-Boys and 16 B-Girls will go face to face in spectacular solo battles.在2024年巴黎奥运会上,霹雳舞比赛将分为男子组与女子组,每组16名选手,进行1V1对决。

Athletes will use a combination of power moves including windmills, the 6-step and freezes as they adapt their moves and improvise to the beat of the DJ’s tracks.运动员们将结合风车、六步、定点等动作,配合DJ的节奏调整动作并即兴发挥,最终决出首个霹雳舞奥运会冠军。

The competition is scheduled to be held on Aug 9 and 10 in 2024.该项目定于当地时间2024年8月9日与10日举行。

> More Chinese cities break 2t yuan GDP mark2022年GDP超两万亿城市已增至7个

A view of the Huangpu River in Shanghai.[Photo/VCG]

Seven cities in China registered a GDP of over 2 trillion yuan in 2022, according to a report by media outlet Yicai. These cities, namely Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Chongqing, Suzhou and Chengdu, have all witnessed an economic rebound in 2022 and are planning an even brighter future for 2023.据第一财经报道,2022年GDP超过两万亿的城市已增至7个,它们是上海、北京、深圳、广州、重庆、苏州和成都。这些城市在2022年都实现了经济复苏。展望2023年,各地也纷纷设定了新一年经济增长的目标。

For example, Suzhou of East Chinas Jiangsu province expected its GDP to reach 2.4 trillion yuan in 2022, according to its government work report released on Jan 7.以江苏省苏州市为例,该市7日公布的政府工作报告显示,2022年苏州地区生产总值预计达2.4万亿元,今年的经济增长目标拟设为5%左右。

The city, with 13,400 high-tech companies,340,000 high-level talents and 241 listed companies in 2022, has set its 2023 economic growth target at 5 percent.苏州高新技术企业总量达到1.34万家,高层次人才达到34万人。此外,苏州境内外上市公司总数达到241家。

According to the government report of Wuhan, Central Chinas Hubei province, the city expects a 4.5 percent GDP increase in 2022 to reach a total of 1.9 trillion yuan.今年的湖北省武汉市政府工作报告显示,2022年武汉预计地区生产总值增长4.5%左右,总量达到1.9万亿元左右。

Statistics also showed that Wuhan had 3,000 new high-tech enterprises, with fixed asset investment rising 11 percent during the past year.数据显示,2022年,武汉净增3000家高新技术企业;固定资产投资增速11%。

Given a rebound in 2022, many cities with a GDP of over 1 trillion yuan have set 2023’s growth target at around 5 to 7 percent, much higher than their 2022 growth.随着2022年的经济复苏,多个GDP万亿级城市提及的2023年经济增长目标在5%至7%之间,整体显著高于2022年的实际增速。

Given the comparatively low base in 2022, economic growth rate of the cities in 2023 will be significantly higher than that of 2022, as the optimization of pandemic prevention and control measures came into effect in December, said Peng Peng, executive chairman of the Guangdong Society of Economic Reform.广东省体改研究会执行会长彭澎分析称,2022年的经济增速较低,基数低,因此在去年12月疫情防控措施优化后,2023年各地的经济增速肯定都会显著高于2022年。

Boosting domestic consumption as well as increasing investment in public facilities is important to economic rebound in 2023, Peng said.彭澎说,2023年扩大内需,增加公共设施投资等有效投资非常重要。

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